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How To Do Air Conditioning Maintenance This Autumn

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As the weather begins to cool down, it’s important to start thinking about air conditioning maintenance for your home or office. Proper commercial air conditioning maintenance can ensure your air conditioning system operates efficiently and effectively, and that it continues to provide reliable comfort throughout the autumn and winter months. Here are some key steps you can take to maintain your air conditioning system this autumn.

Winterise the Heating and Cooling System

One of the first steps in preparing your air conditioning system for the cooler months is to winterise it. This involves turning off the cooling function of your air conditioning unit and turning on the heating function. This will allow you to ensure that your heating system is working properly and to identify any issues that may need to be addressed before winter sets in. Additionally, it’s a good idea to inspect your ductwork and seals to ensure they are properly sealed and insulated, which can help prevent heat loss and improve energy efficiency.

Create a Schedule Maintenance Checklist

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly and efficiently, so it’s important to schedule a maintenance checklist for your system. This can include tasks such as inspecting and cleaning air filters, checking the condition of the compressor and fan motors and cleaning the condenser coils. A professional air conditioning technician can perform these tasks and provide recommendations for any necessary repairs or upgrades.

Run the Heat

Running the heat can help you identify any issues with your air conditioning system before the colder weather arrives. Start by turning on your heating system and allowing it to run for several hours. This will allow you to check the function of your thermostat and ensure the system is working properly. If you notice any strange noises, odours or other issues, it’s important to contact a professional air conditioning technician right away to diagnose and repair the problem.

Clean Up Your Unit Coils

Dirty unit coils can significantly reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system, so it’s important to keep them clean. Start by turning off the power to your unit, then remove the cover to access the coils. Use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to gently remove any dirt, debris or other build-up from the coils. Be sure to clean both the evaporator and condenser coils and inspect them for any signs of damage or corrosion. If you notice any issues, contact a professional air conditioning technician to perform any repairs or replacements.

Add Extra Insulation

Adding extra insulation can help improve the energy efficiency of your air conditioning system and reduce your energy costs. Start by checking your attic and walls to ensure they are properly insulated. If necessary, consider adding extra insulation to these areas to help prevent heat loss and improve your home’s overall energy efficiency. Additionally, consider adding insulation to your air ducts, which can help prevent heat loss and improve the efficiency of your heating system.

Enjoy Quality Commercial Air Conditioning Maintenance

In conclusion, air conditioning maintenance is crucial for ensuring that your system operates efficiently and effectively throughout the cooler months. By winterising your system, creating a maintenance checklist, running the heat, cleaning your unit coils and adding extra insulation, you can help prevent breakdowns, improve energy efficiency and extend the lifespan of your air conditioning system.

Remember to contact a professional air conditioning technician for any necessary repairs or upgrades, and to schedule regular maintenance appointments to keep your system in top condition. We at Instachill are happy to provide commercial air conditioning maintenance and a host of other services. You can call us on 0407 748 833.